IMU General Assembly

July 29 - 30, 2018



Dear Participants,

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the 18th meeting of the General Assembly (GA) of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).

As you may know, many of the daily IMU decisions are taken by the IMU Executive Committee (EC), and, in particular, the President and the Secretary. Sometimes the Adhering Organizations (AOs) are asked to vote by postal ballots on issues of principal interest. But once every four years, the GA meets, typically immediately before the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM). At the GA meeting, the major decisions are taken, for instance the members of Committees and Commissions for the next four-year term are elected, the budget is decided, the location of the next ICM is determined, and applications regarding IMU membership are voted on. You will be able to listen to the reports of IMU Committees and Commissions and the reviews of IMU related organizations. You will have an opportunity to participate actively in decision making and to meet and discuss with your IMU colleagues.

We appreciate that you undertake to come from all over the world to take part in the two-day GA meeting and represent the Adhering Organization of your IMU member country. The GA Local Organizing Committee, chaired by Paolo Piccione, the IMU and the IMU Secretariat will do everything they can to make this event great and your stay enjoyable.

We hope that many of you will be able to also attend the ICM in Rio de Janeiro. The Program Committe, chaired by János Kollár, and the ICM2018 Local Organizing Committee, chaired by Marcelo Viana, have been working very hard to make the ICM 2018 a great and memorable event.

We are looking forward to seeing you in São Paulo.

Shigefumi Mori
President of the IMU